Friday, September 9, 2022

When Your Firstborn Moves Out

Nearly two weeks ago, our oldest child left the nest. Granted, we were expecting this two years ago when he went to college, but getting an apartment or campus housing at this time did not work out. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that my son has put his education on hold to into the trade which was an opportunity for him to grow and become an independent adult.

Prior to him moving out, he desired to find a place of his own once he was able to afford one. This did take some time to find a place of his which the Lord gracious gave him one that was affordable and in a good location. 

For most parents, having your eldest child leave the nest can be emotional and heartbreaking. My wife and I know for our son, this is was the right move for him. There are times we missed him at the house even though our daughter is loving being the only child during her senior year. 

After a week of being on his own, my son told us living in the apartment was rough for the first week. He was use to conversations and dogs barking including our own. He felt like he was living in a hotel rather than a place he can call home for however long God has granted him to live there.

We do see him from time to time and have conversations with him on the phone. We know we are just a phone call away if he needs anything and he is welcome anytime when he just wants to talk or have dinner. Recently, he took his sister out for dinner and coffee so they will not become distant siblings.

As my son was prepared to move out, I could not help but think if I did all I could to spiritually train him. I know there were things I could have done differently and things better than I could have. In the end, I have to trust in the sovereignty of Almighty God to guide him through His Word and convict him when he sins. I also know that when God gave him to us nearly 21 years ago, he took into account my short comings as a parent, which I am sure many of you can relate.

Even though my son is not under our roof anymore, it does not mean he is out of our lives or out of the sovereign will of the Father. My wife and I must trust in God with all our heart and pray that He will lead our son in whatever job that will honor Him and provide for my son's family when that time comes, which also might be a future blog post, but not in the near future. 

The prayer for every parent as their firstborn moves out is that God will keep them in His hand, which if they are saved, He will. That God will guide them in every step they make and honor Him with their lives. Also pray they will continue to grow in the Lord and have the desire to serve in the church even if they are not in the same church you are attending. 

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