Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Book Review: Romans :A Concise Guide to the Greatest Letter Ever Written by Andrew David Naselli

To many Christians, Romans is the most popular book in the New Testament outside of the four gospels. There have been many Bible studies on this book as well as sermons. There also been numerous of commentaries that have been written on Romans including the most famous set of commentaries from Martyn Lloyd-Jones. 

Andrew David Naselli is the latest one to tackle Romans, but it is not an extensive commentary. The subtitle of the book says it was a concise guide meaning it was going to be short, sweet, and to the point, which is what Naselli has accomplished in his writing.

He begins by giving a brief introduction to Romans which is always good to have when studying a book of the Bible. He does outline Romans which gives a sneak peek into the chapters of the book which has does very well. You may have some theological difference with him depending on how you interpret Romans 9, which has been a hot topic for many Christians over the years. 

I will say this, Naselli, I believe, interprets Romans 7 very well when he says that Paul is a Christian struggling with indwelling sin. There are many that think Paul was writing from the point of view of a non-believer which makes no sense at all. If Paul did do that, then there are a lot of believers who make not think they were saved because of the indwelling sin that remains in them.

This book sets out what it is suppose to do and that is be a brief, simple commentary on the book of Romans which can be used for Bible study and/or sermon preparation. 

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for a review. 

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