Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Book Review: Authentic Worship by A.W. Tozer

Worship has been a hot topic for a very long time. I can remember my college days where we discussed if traditional worship was genuine and if contemporary worship was acceptable. The issue of our day on the subject of worship is over the style along with is using songs from questionable sources are acceptable. 

A.W. Tozer address the issue of worship in his book, Authentic Worship, where he says that we are redeemed by God to worship Him. Isaiah 43:7 says that God created us for His glory.  Everything that happens in this life is preparation for us to worship God according to Tozer. 

We worship God everywhere we go, not just in church. We worship God in work, play, and even in our rest. We see God's greatness in the Bible and in what He has done in our lives that our immediate response should be worship. We worship God in the splendor of His holiness, and we lack nothing when we come to Him. 

I agree with Tozer in most of the book. There was one part where I felt he was going a little off the rail when he addresses spiritual experiences as the outgrowth of doctrine. Tozer says we can experience God like we experience our children. We have to be careful with experiences because those who believe the sign gifts are still around think we have to encounter God through experience rather than the Bible.

This was mostly a good book on worship. Tozer said things that most Christians will agree on and things we can agree to disagree.

I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

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