Monday, June 5, 2023

Book Review: God Shines Forth by Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves

Why do we evangelize? Why do we support those in the mission field? Why is missions so important to the church? All of these are important questions especially that first one. 

Some Christians feel intimidated when they share their faith. Some witness out of guilt rather than gratitude to God. Some pastors may evangelism salvific to the point he will question anyone's salvation if they do not do it a certain way.

What drives the mission of the church and our evangelism? Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves address this in their book, God Shine Forth. 

What should drive a church to missions and Christians to proclaim Christ in their evangelism is the glory of God. If God is the most glorious, being we have ever known, why wouldn't we proclaim Him from the mountaintops to the across the street? God's glory, according to our authors, should be the fuel for our missions and we should display Jesus because of what He has done for us on the cross.

Hames and Reeves continue to show their readers that the church must show that the cross of Christ was not an accident, but all part of the divine plan of God. Also, that God did not need us or anything in creation, yet God created us for His glory and sin marred that.  We are created to live for His glory which includes proclaiming it in our evangelism.

Finally, Hames and Reeves remind their readers regarding the Christian's home is not this world. We are living for God's glory as ambassadors for Him proclaiming His gospel to everyone around us. Heaven is our home, and we want many to go there to see Jesus as He truly is.

There are not many books on mission that help a reader understand why mission, whether it's close to home or in another country, is important because we are declaring the glory of God in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review.

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