Thursday, July 6, 2023

Book Review: How to Read & Understand the Psalms by Bruce Waltke and Fred Zaspel

The book of Psalms is the most read and quoted book of the Old Testament. The Psalms have also been put into music more than any other book in the Bible as I have mentioned in a previous review

The Psalms are written with different types of emotions. Some are rejoicing while others are lamenting over the writer's current circumstance. Many times, when one reads the Psalms, you will notice they are not in context as a historical narrative like most of the Old Testament books. For some, it can be confusing as to what kind of Psalm I am reading. 

Bruce Waltke and Fred Zaspel have written a book to assist believers, whether new or seasoned, in understanding the Psalms titled, How to Read & Understand the Psalms. This book begins with a basic introduction to the Psalms as well as the different types of Psalms. The next few chapters address studying the Psalms whether for a sermon or personal Bible study. 

Waltke and Zaspel even address the genre of the Psalms which is Hebrew poetry. Now I know for a lot of people when they hear the word, poetry, they tend to think of a passage that rhymes with words, which is not the case for Hebrew poetry. The rest of the book, which is nearly over half of it, address the different types of Psalms, what they are, and which Psalms they are in the Bible. 

This book will be a great benefit to new believers who are reading and studying the Psalms for the first time. This will also be a good study aid to pastors as they lead their congregation through the Psalms.

I received this book from Crossway in exchange for a review.

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