Friday, July 7, 2023

Book Review: Point-To-Point Preaching by Chipley McQueen Thornton

When I was younger, I usually thought of church as a place where people go to sing and hear a guy talk about God. Thankfully, over the years and getting saved, my views on church and preaching have changed. However, it seems many in the church don't understand what preaching is. Sadly, many churches have turned preaching into something that it was never suppose to be.

Preaching has been turned into TED talks or a time where the preacher tries to make you feel good about yourself. Some would even substitute preaching for a concert either by their church choir or a singer the pastor may personally know. 

Chipley McQueen Thornton begins his book, Point-To-Point Preaching, stating that preaching has lost it's prophetic voice meaning that the world has influenced preaching more than the Bible. He is right because if you watch a speech from a motivational speaker and sermon for certain churches, they almost sound identical, which the same can be said for worship music, which is another topic for another day. 

Thornton takes his readers through a brief preaching class on what a preacher needs to do to communicate God's Word. He addresses the author's intent along with the context of the Biblical passage. He also writes about properly interpreting the text along with applying it which both are very important in a exegetical study of the Scriptures. 

Now some of you are probably thinking this must be a massive book, which is it not. Thornton addresses the issues of preaching without trying to draw things out. He gets to the point of the topic (no pun intended). 

While this book will be great for pastors, this book will also be good for those who are doing a Bible study whether for Sunday School or a small group gathering.  May not be preaching, but I think Thornton's points will be beneficial for teachers in the church. If you are not a pastor, I encourage you to get this book, read it, then give it your pastor. 

I received this book from G3 in exchange for a review. 

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