Monday, September 18, 2023

For Those Going to the G3 Conference...

The G3 Conference is coming up on the weekend of September 21-23. The theme of the conference is on the Sovereignty of God, which I know is a doctrine that many Christians have issues with. I know this conference will be edifying to all who attend. Unfortunately, I will not be attending. I do hope one day, I will be able to, but till then, I pray for all those attending, the speakers, and all those who put the conference together.

For those attending, I have a few resources for you: 

First, an article written by Julie McEntee titled,What I’m Most Looking Forward to at the G3 National Conference.

Next, a video of Josh Buice, Scott Aniol, and Virgil Walker giving everyone a sneak peek in what to expect as this year's conference:

Finally, I have not one, but two playlists that I have created on Spotify. The first one is a collection of worship songs that have been sung in past conferences or mentioned in the messages. The second is based on this year's theme, the Sovereignty of God, which contained songs of worship as well as a few Contemporary Christians Songs. 



I hope these resources will be a blessing to all who are heading out to the conference. Even if you are not going, I pray the same. I cannot wait to hear the messages when they will be available and the stories from those who attended.

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