Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Case for Cessationism

Cessationism is the belief that the Apostolic sign gifts as seen through the Apostles in the New Testament have ceased. There has been a lot of discussions on this topic and a lot of disagreements. Ten ago, John MacArthur hosted the Strange Fire conference which addresses this very topic. Tom Pennington preached a sermon during that conference giving us a good case to cessationism:

Recommended Resources:

A Biblical Case for Cessationism: Why the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit Have Ended by Tom Pennington, which is based on his sermon from the Strange Fire Conference

The Final Word: A Biblical Response to the Case for Tongues and Prophecy Today by Palmer Robertson

The Cessationist documentary, which feature Pennington along with Justin Peters, Steve Lawson, Josh Buice, and more

To Be Continued?: Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today? by Sam Waldron

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