Monday, February 12, 2024

I Am Sure You Have Noticed...

I am sure you have noticed by now that I have been posting a lot more than I previously have been over the last couple of years. I have to admit that there were times I wondered if I should continue posting here. I have been doing the majority of posting on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram. 

Back in December, I was thinking about what Bible reading plan I would be doing. I ended up choosing the 5x5x5 New Testament Reading Plan. My reason was simply to go back to basics. When I started reading my Bible, I read a chapter a day and it was not rushed. With this plan, I can do the same, however, it was only for 5 days a week. I decided to tackle the Psalms and Proverbs on the weekends for the foreseeable future. 

I am not trying to boast about my Bible reading plan. What I am simply stating is I am going back to basics as I stated before and that is where the blog comes in. When I first started Keeping the Main Thing, which was known as Chris's Blog (I know. Very creative), I wanted to share good Biblical content to anyone. I have shared videos, music, and even book quotes as well as some teaching from me. I tried to get away from that then realized there are a lot of them out there from men much smarter than me. 

What I am wanting to do is go back to why I started this blog, simply shared good, Biblical, Christ-exalting content whether it is me writing about a passage of scripture or sharing a sermon. I want to honor God on this blog whether it is my words or someone else. 

There was a point where I was posting every day, and I got burned out on blogging. I do not want that to happen again, so the post will not be every day, but I do hope to have at least one post per week (Lord willing). 

I want to thank everyone who continues to read and/or share these posts. Thanks for putting up with my lack of blogging over the last couple of years. I do hope this has and will honor God. People will come to faith in Christ and the gospel will be proclaimed. 

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