Monday, September 16, 2024

Occultic Phrases in The Message?

The Message has been a popular paraphrase since the late 1990's. Eugene Peterson took on a take to translation the Bible to make it more readable in a way people can understand. 

There are some issues when it comes to a paraphrase such as the author putting his own ideas in the Bible rather than translate the passage based on the passage itself.

I used to be a fan of the Message, but I have really stepped away from it because of horrible renditions of verses that I have discovered and having a desire to use more accurate translations of the Bible.

In this video, Doreen Virtue and Jac Marino Chen discuss an occultic phrase in the Lord's Prayer that has caught their attention. Both Doreen and Jac are former New Agers, so they are well equipped to address this issue:

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