Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Christians Are To Be Realistic

True Christianity is realistic about the dark side of our world, our life, our nature, our heart. But true Christianity is not finally pessimistic or morally indifferent, encouraging us merely to just settle in and accept the truth about our fallen state. No, the news that we as Christians have to bring is not just that our depravity is so pervasive but also that God's plans for us are so wonderful-because He knows what He made us for.

When you begin to realize that, you become thankful for the fact that Christianity is not finally about anestheizing you to life's pain, or even about waking you up to it and teaching you to live with it. The message of Jesus Christ is about teaching us to live with a transforming longing, with a growing faith, with a sure and certain hope of what's to come. The Gospel is not simply we're okay.

Mark Dever, 9 Marks of A Healthy Church

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