Thursday, August 27, 2015

5 Priorities for Christian College Students This Year

As college begins for college students all across our country, I am reminded about how overwhelming the experience was considering I was on my own and four hours away from home. I was ready for the challenges of the courses I was taking, which I underestimated, and also the opportunities God was going to give me. Looking back to my college years, I realized that my priorities, along with others, were mixed up. So I would like to offer a few priorities that Christian students, whether they attend a state or private college, need to have this coming year and for the rest of their time in college.

1. Keep God at the center of your life.

I am sure college students want to check out every organization when they get there as well as all the hangout places in their city, assuming they left their hometown. Also, I am sure college students are looking at their schedules wondering how to get to their classes and find out from others how the professor is. Regardless of the crazy schedules and the activities outside the classroom, Christian college students need to keep God as priority number one. Read the Bible, pray, memorize scripture, and grow in Christ. Also reading a good Christian book will help. I know with all the reading your have to do for class, who has time for extra reading. I know it may seem a little much for some of you, but it will be a benefit.

2. Plug into a church.

This Sunday is the first Sunday since the beginning of the college year and I challenge you to find a church and join it. If you live in the same city where you are a member and attend college, you are already ahead of some people. I challenge you to start this Sunday to look for a church the Holy Spirit is leading you not just to sit in the pew but also to serve. This may take a few weeks, but be prayerfully considering what church God will have you attend. Don't substitute the church with a parachurch organization such as the Baptist Student Ministries or Navigators, which are great organizations, but they are not the church.

3. Watch yourself.

College is where some Christian students will either yield to temptation or run away from it. Maintain purity in word, thought, and deed while in college. Yes, even you who attend a Christian college. You are not exempt. Guys, when you find a girlfriend, remember she is your sister in Christ. Girls, that guy is your brother in Christ. I strongly encourage that each of you have people that will hold you accountable during your college years. It could be an older saint, a fellow Christian student, or even a pastor at the church you are attending. I am not sure who said it, but there is an old saying, "Watch yourself before you wreck yourself."

4. Always be ready to give share Christ.

1 Peter 3:15 says, "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." You are going to have students and maybe some professors that might as you why are you a Christian. Always be ready to make your case whether they accept it or not is not up to you. One of the biggest unhealthy teachings of evangelism is you are successful when someone responds to your witness. Jesus told us to proclaim the gospel to all of creation (Mark 16:15). Not once did he tell us that their response was up to us.

5. Remember the gospel.

College student you are going to fail. No, I am not talking about failing your class unless you don't study. I am referring to the fact you are not perfect. You might get angry at someone or even had a lustful thought. Yes, your sin will have consequences, but God is faithful and just and will forgive you of your sins (see 1 John 1:9). The gospel is the message you are to proclaim on your campus but also the message that keeps you going. Don't ever get tired of the gospel message just because you have heard it over and over again like you get tired of hearing some things in history. The gospel is not the beginning of the Christian Life, it is the message of the Christian life. That message that has passed on for generations is your message as well.

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