Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Book Review: Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler

If you read the Psalm, particularly in the ESV, you will see the words "steadfast love" referring to God's love for His people. Psalm 136 is famous for having one verse with "your steadfast love endures forever" repeated through the psalm. A good portion of the Psalms deal with God's steadfast love for us during our good times and our times of difficulty.

Lauren Chandler has known difficulty, whether she has observed it in someone else or has gone through it herself. She writes about God's faithfulness in the book, Steadfast Love. Lauren is the wife of Matt Chandler, who pastors The Village Church in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Many have come to know Lauren through the music at The Village Church as well as suffering that her husband went through a few years ago, when Matt was diagnosed with brain cancer.

This book is basically a study on Psalm 107, which was a passage a friend encouraged Lauren to read when she was twenty-seven years old. She takes this psalm and divides it into five parts:

A call to worship (Psalm 107:1-3).

The Desert (Psalm 107:4-9).

Chains (Psalm 107:10-16).

Folly (Psalm 107:17-22).

The Storm (Psalm 107:23-43).

Each chapter is filled with the truth of God's word as it relates to His love for us and the grace he has poured over us. Lauren writes with clarity so that anyone who picks the book up will be able to understand it. She always points us to God who deserves all our praise for what He has done in our lives which is what the Psalm do in the Bible.

This will make an excellent Bible Study for women as they gather in a coffee house or someone's house so they can discuss God's steadfast love for them. I do believe men will benefit from this book as well.

Thanks B&H Publishing for letting me review this book.

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