Thursday, June 7, 2018

Book Review: Strength for the Weary by Derek Thomas

No one has ever life was going to be easy. Even Jesus said in this world, you will have trouble (John 16:33). James tells us to consider it joy whenever, not if, we face trials of various kinds (James 1:2-4). The Christian life is full of trials not matter how long you have walked with Jesus.

We can take comfort knowing that God is with us every step of the way no matter what life throws at us. Derek Thomas dives in the final chapters of Isaiah to encourage every believer who is going through a hard time in his latest book, Strength for the Weary. You have ever read or listened to Derek Thomas, you know this man loves the scriptures which is what points us to the One who gives us comfort, our Heavenly Father.

Thomas reminds his readers that when life is falling apart, we can take comfort that God is in control. He is still on His throne. Just as God has not forgotten the people Isaiah was speaking to, He has not forgotten us and that is where we can take great comfort. Even as we go through difficulty, we must submit to God's authority and trust in Him. We also must be holy as He is holy.

One of the greatest comforts that Isaiah has given us is the coming Messiah. God has given us One who was stricken by Him so that we might have peace. What is great about the gospel is that it is a message that does not go away after we are saved. It is the message that resonates in our hearts even after we are saved and reminds us that God has not abandoned us.

Thomas delivers a good book on encouragement which all of need from time to time because life does get hard. We need to remember that God is a God of comfort and He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

Thanks Reformation Trust for letting me review this book.

1 comment:

  1. Not a good book. Not very comforting for a father who just lost his daughter. Just a Calvinist view of a few select verses from the second half of Isaiah. Just can't see how this book could comfort or answer any questions for someone experiencing severe tragedy in their life.

