Friday, August 10, 2018

A Rebuke Turned Into A Joke

I have loved hanging out on Twitter and Facebook over the years. There are people I have followed from a quite some time and have even talked a personal level. There have been a few times when someone comes to the city I live in, we would connect. I also love sharing Bible verses, quotes, thoughts I have, and even what the Lord is doing at our church. Yes, if you know me by now, I have been posting a lot about my favorite sports team especially a certain baseball team that won the World Series last year.

I have been involved with a few theological discussions on social media over the years which most of them we agree to disagree and even learn from one another. There are at times where I along with other believers confront the false teachings that have plagued the church. Even got blocked by a couple of those who I have confronted with what they were teaching as a false gospel.

Recently, Gabriel Hughes, the host of When We Understand The Text, tweeted the following:

4 major fronts attacking the sufficiency of Scripture

1) Charismatic movement

2) "Gay Christian" movement

3) Social justice/gospel movement

4) Egalitarianism (often cloaked in complimentarian lingo, or enticing with a promise to "empower" women in ministry)

Nothing wrong with what Hughes said and I even added another one, Andy Stanley. My reason is because Stanley claims to be reaching people with Christ which all he is doing is making people confused. Andy Stanley has been the subject of debate for quite some time when he has stated expositional preaching is cheating, we have to stop saying, "the Bible says," and more recently, Christians need to unhitched the Old Testament from the faith. He has claimed to love the Bible yet he does not believe in the sufficiency of scripture, which is why I said he is a major front, along with what Hughes tweeted (I think he was quoting Justin Peters), in the attach on the sufficiency of scripture and the fact he is confusing a lot of people.

To my surprise, Stanley replied to the tweet, but how he responded showed me he did not take my rebuke seriously. His reply was, "It's a gift." Really? I just called you out for confusing people and attacking the sufficiency of scripture. It clearly shows me that Stanley took it as a joke. What's sad is there are a few on Twitter who thought it was funny. I did not.

Why was this a rebuke and not a joke, as I said, he is clearly misleading people to embrace teaching that they want to hear which Paul did warn us would happen in 1 Timothy 4:3-4. James 3:1 says that teachers will be judged more strictly. I cannot imagine what waits for Stanley and all who misuse the Word of God on the day of judgment. Stanley may think he is doing a great service to the people of God, but he is really not.

Of course, after he preached on unhitching the Old Testament, he had a number of interviews doing some damage control showing he is not a heretic. I remember him apologizing for telling people if they are in a small church, you are selfish, which, to be honest, I did not buy into it. Stanley's so-called "gift" is not a gift from God. I am not sure what kind of "gift" I would call this, but not one where people are being led astray.

When we rebuke someone, we hope that it will lead them to repentance. Rebuke can be ugly at times but it also can be a time where God is honored because of one's repentance. I am not sure where Stanley's heart is or even if he was condemned by what I said, which based on his tweet, I highly doubt. I do pray that Stanley will come to repentance and renounce the false teaching he has embraced over the years.

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