Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Are You A Bandwagon Church Member?

The past couple of years in sports has been really exciting. Two years ago, we saw the Chicago Cubs win the World Series after 108 years. Last year, we saw my favorite baseball team, the Houston Astros win their first World Series. Then this past February, we witnessed the Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl. Dedicated fans celebrated while the fans of the losing team roll their eyes, yet each team probably got something else. They got new fans that were normally not fans in the beginning, who are called Bandwagon fans.

Bandwagon fans are the type of fans that stick with a team only if they are winning. I am sure the Astros, Eagles, and Golden State Warriors have gotten a few of those. Unfortunately, this type of mentality has even crept into the church, which I will dubbed "Bandwagon Church Members." These are the members who only attend church when things are good. For those in ministry, I am sure you have seen them time and time again.

If the church is growing, they are there. If the church is hurting, they scatter. When a pastor leaves, they leave, which happens a lot in the solo pastor model, but also can happen with a plurality of elders. There is one pastor who left his church to work in another church in the same city and a couple for his previous church followed him to the new church. This is very similar to LeBron James fans who cheered for Cleveland, then Miami, then Cleveland again, and quite possibly the Los Angeles Lakers.

The Bible says, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near" (Hebrews 10:24-25). The church is to exhort one another and not neglect meeting with one another no matter what is going on. Whether the church is succeeding or not, we are to be faithful to one another.

Hebrews also says, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you" (13:17). We are to under the leadership of our elders. They watch over us through the good and the bad. If you are only at your church when things are good, you are hurt yourself spiritually when you jump off the "bandwagon" when things are bad.

1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and 1 Peter 4 talk about using the gifts God has given us for the building up of the body. A bandwagon church member will most likely hardly engage with anyone in the church, let alone, serve anyone because they are only in the church for themselves. As I mentioned earlier, when the pastor leaves, they leave. If you leave when your pastor leaves, as one person puts it, you were never on mission with the church. You were only there for yourself.

If you are faithfully committed to your church and serving them in anyway, praise God. If you are only part of a church just to "jump ship," I pray you will consider faithfully join the church God has placed you in. Talked with your elders or pastor. Speak to a deacon or other church leaders. Be faithful to your congregation not just when things are good, but also when things are bad. You are part of the body and your local church needs you.

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