Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Should You Read The Bible In A Digital Format?

Everyone of us has a device of some kind. It could be a Kindle, iPhone, iPad, etc. Many of us use them on a daily basis. We play on apps, check our social media pages and even check sports highlights. One of the common questions being asked as of late is should we read the Bible on those devices or should we just stick with a hard copy.

This past year, as I was on vacation, I had my Kindle and my Bible. My plan was to read my physical Bible long with other books as well as some e-books. There was a lot going on during my vacation that instead of reading my physical Bible, I ended up reading the Bible on the Kindle. I have to admit, it was a little refreshing especially when I had to read in the early morning hours where I can lie in the bed or sit another room without turning on any lights to disturb others.

I felt no conviction because I read the Bible on my Kindle. God's Word is God's Word. Whether we read a paperback Bible or a digital one, it is still God's Word. I know some preachers preach from a digital Bible, but that is not my preference nor is it my preference to bring my Kindle to corporate worship. If that is your preference praise God and there is nothing wrong with that. My wife and son read the Bible on their phones. My daughter still loves reading from the leather bound Bible she got when she was baptized.

If reading the Bible on a Kindle or whatever device you use helps you grow and memorize scripture, great. Do that. If that's not you, don't speak harshly to those who do. They are reading the Bible just like you. There are many apps that are out there that will help a believer in studying the Bible or even memorizing the Word. Just recently, I have been trying to get into the habit of listening to an audio Bible on my phone.

It does not matter if you have a leather bound book or an app, the Word are still holy because they are from God.

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