Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Book Review: In The Year of Our Lord by Sinclair Fergusion

Church history has been a subject that crossed my path time and time again whether it was through books, article, or podcasts. Many think church history is more for the theologians just like in depth knowledge of the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth. Church history is a subject for all Christians to study in every stage of life.

Granted there are a few church history books that would scare someone new to the study because of their size and, at times, complexity. Sinclair Ferguson has written a book on church history that is straightforward, clear, and easy to read especially for one who is just starting their study on church history. The book is titled, In the Year of Our Lord: Reflections on Twenty Centuries of Church History.

This book dives into the 2000 year history of the church beginning with the first century all the way up the 20th century. There is no chapter on the 21st century because, well, it has not been completed yet. Perhaps in a thousand years, there will be an additional chapter to book very similar to this one if the Lord has not returned by then.

Each chapter highlights the best and worst times of each century. This is not a detailed history book, but more like the cliff note version of church history, which there is nothing wrong with that. Ferguson simply teaches the history of the church through the pages of this book and makes it to the point.

If you are looking for a church history book to give to a new believe or just anyone that wants to know more about it, I am delighted to recommend Ferguson's new book.

Thanks Reformation Trust for letting me review this book.

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