10. Assumption that free will is needed to hold humans responsible for actions
9. Confusion of the philosophical concept of free will with “human responsibility” assumed in Scripture
8. Shallow views of the holiness, righteousness and justice of God
7. View of human nature merely weakened by sin, so has potential to respond by believing
6. The display of outward morality by many non-Christians
5. Dislike for the alternative, which seems to make God responsible for our sin, or even the author of it
4. The concept that the ability to choose Jesus is necessary for doing evangelism
3. A human concept of God’s love leading to sentimentalism and me-centeredness
2. Neglect by pastors and authors to emphasize the importance of theology and the avoidance of teaching on so-called controversial issues
1. A reluctance to allow God to be totally sovereign and his grace empowers any good we do
Adapted from Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel Wholly by Grace Communicated Truthfully & Lovingly by Will Metzger
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