Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What Am I Thankful For?

One of my holidays is this week, Thanksgiving. A time we come together with friends and family to be thankful. I love it because we get to eat and watch football.

As the holiday approaches, the question we should ask ourselves is what are we thankful for. It is good for us to reflect on all the things that God has allowed to happen in our lives no matter how confusing it may be at times. So without going into great detail, I would like to express a few things that I am thankful for:

I am thankful for the salvation we have in Christ and nothing can take that away from us.

I am thankful for the family I have that loves and is able to put up with me.

I am thankful for the Word of God that constantly reminds me that though I am a sinner saved by grace, I have a Savior that is my Advocate before the Father.

I am thankful for the good health God has given me.

I am thankful for the Lord continuing to take care of us that even blows my mind.

I am thankful for the church family that I continue to grow to love everyday.

I am thankful for men of God and ministries that refuse to bow the knee to the culture.

I can go on and on, but the point is we all have something or someone to be thankful about. So as you begin that second plate of food before Turkey coma hits, remember to be thankful to our Heavenly Father where we get all the blessings in this life from and even in the life to come.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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