Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why Do You Still Need a Check List?

We all have check lists. We have them when we go to grocery store make sure we leave with what we need. We have them during our work week if there are certain tasks that need to be preformed. Some may even have them when packing for vacation especially if you are from a big family.

Check lists are a normal part of life and there is nothing wrong with them, however, when it comes to the Christian life that can be a problem. More specifically, it can be a problem when it comes to salvation. We have heard that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:3), we are children of God when trust in Christ (John 1:12), and we are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), yet we will still need a check list to make sure we are still saved.

That check list can be comprised of the following:

Going to church

Giving you 10%

Use a King James Version

Wear a suit and tie (men)

Wear a dress (women)

Make sure your kids have the Bible memorized

This is list can go on and on. What make us have these check lists goes back to the question that Satan in the form of a serpent asked Eve, "Did God actually say...?" (Genesis 3:1). Did God actually saved you are saved by faith alone and not by works? Did God actually say you must be born again to be saved? Did God actually say faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of Christ?

When we have these check lists, we are questioning the sufficiency of scripture which ultimately is questioning the sufficiency of Christ in regards to our salvation. Christ is enough for our salvation and God's Word is enough to make His plan for salvation to us. While works are evidence of our salvation they are not cause of it. We are saved by faith alone because the Bible says so which means God did actually say that it was so.

My brothers and sisters, stop using check lists in regards to your salvation. You can contribute nothing to it. Our righteous deeds are like filthy rags in the sight of God (Isaiah 64:6, KJV). Our works will never measure up to the perfect righteousness of Christ. Praise the Lord, He has secured us and we are saved because of what He has done for us, not what we can do for Him.

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