Thursday, January 30, 2020

Book Review: Growing In Holiness by R.C. Sproul

God is holy. He is set apart from the world. He is pure. The Bible says that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). The Bible also says that God expects His people to be holy just as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16), which means we are to be pure and growing in our faith.

The Christian life does not come naturally to us because we are still in our mortal flesh and living with indwelling sin that wars against us. R.C. Sproul gives us some practical help as we mature in our walk with Christ in a book titled, Growing In Holiness. This book is based on a series of lectures Sproul has done in the subject.

Sproul addresses pressing on toward the goal of knowing Christ as we seek Him in His word. Sproul also addresses the three main opponents in our growth in holiness which are the world, the flesh and the devil. We are to wage war against all three if we want to continue in the goal of knowing Christ.

A lot times, we are doubtful that we are saved, which Sproul says the one way to have assurance is to trust in Christ. Church attendance, Bible reading, and giving are all good disciplines for the Christian but trusting in Christ not our deeds will ultimately give us assurance as we grow in holiness. Sproul addresses the fruit of the Spirit which is the evidence of Christ's work in our lives. Remember the fruit of the Spirit is what all believers have which is a contrast to the gifts of the Spirit which believers will get one or more gifts but not all the rest.

Holiness is essential to the Christian life. A lot of times Christians do not know how to pursue it. This book by Sproul is a delightful introduction to growing in the faith but also in holiness.

Thanks Baker Books for letting me review this book.

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