Friday, February 14, 2020

How Do You Know When You Are Gospel Off-Centered

You are gospel off-centered if:

you think worship is primarily about emotional “closeness” with God. 

your walk with Christ is mostly about “sensing God’s presence” rather than knowing and trusting in the Word of God. 

you’re convinced that fearing God is not a biblical motivation for obedience. 

you believe that grace nullifies all moral duty to Christ. 

you think that union with Christ means spiritual growth “just happens” without actively killing sin.

you’ve assumed that emotional sensations always precede or accompany obedience. 

you think saying no to the flesh should never be a spiritually painful battle.

you think self-discipline and striving to be holy are inherently legalistic. 

you believe true conversion doesn’t always involve separation from the world.

your Christian life is driven by subjective experiences rather than humble faith in God’s Word.

Adapted from Free to Be Holy: The Liberating Grace of Walking by Faith by Jerry Wragg and Paul Shirley

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