Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Presentness of Salvation

One of a true Christian’s treasures is the “presentness” of his salvation. It is not a far distant thing which he is to have at last, if he does his duty and is good. It is his own in title the moment he believes. He is already pardoned, forgiven, and saved, though not in heaven. Another of a true Christian’s treasures is the “completeness” of his justification. His sins are entirely removed, taken away, and blotted out of God’s book by Christ’s blood. He may look forward to judgment without fear and say, “who is he that condemns them?” (Romans 8:34).

He shall stand without fault before the throne of God. The last, but not the least, of a true Christian’s treasures, is the entire change in his relation and position toward God. He is no longer as one dead before Him – dead, legally, like a man sentenced to die and dead in heart. He is “alive unto God” (Romans 6:11). “He is a new creature. Old things are passed away, and all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Well would it be for Christians if these things were better known! It is lack of knowledge in many cases that is the secret of lack of peace.

Adapted from Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle

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