Thursday, March 19, 2020

What Christians Should Be Reminded By COVID-19

It seems everywhere you look, the world is filled with news about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus as it is affectionally called in some circles. We are flooded with news about it on our TVs and even our cell phones. What has been amazing about this pandemic is the response of many people especially in the United States. We see people going to stores to purchase for supplies just in case they are quarantined at home which the result has been empty shelves.

We are seeing schools extending Spring Breaks with some even going to online options for the remainder of the school year. The sports world is affected as well. The NBA suspended its season, March Madness is cancelled, the XFL season is over, MLS is suspended, and MLB has pushed back the start of its season. The entertainment industry is being hit hard with movies pushing back their release dates or halting production of current projects.

Perhaps the one that has hit Christians the hardest is the cancellation of their services and activities. Most of the churches are livestreaming their sermon or recording one to be released online Sunday morning. Granted many are saying we are bowing the knee to the government because they said no more than a gathering of 10 to fight the spread of COVID-19.

As this pandemic continues for the foreseeable future, hopefully not too long, here is what Christians need to be reminded of:

1. God is sovereign. Nothing catches him by surprise. He is in control. We should be thankful we have a God who is not reckless in how He governs the world not just during this pandemic but in other days of trials.

2. We live in a fallen world. COVID-19 and other diseases are a product of the fall. Yes, this is a new illness, but sickness is not new. Due to the sin of Adam, death has been introduced to the world which we know will be eradicated one day.

3. You have an opportunity. The church has the opportunity to minister to everyone around them whether aiding their elderly neighbor next door or giving a word of encouragement to someone who may need it. You also may have an opportunity to share the gospel with someone who the Holy Spirit might be working on to come to faith in Jesus. Also this will be a great opportunity for fathers to remind their families the truth of the Word of God and worship together as a family.

4. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We should pray for our world, our churches, and for God's will to be done. One thing we can pray for is repentance as a nation and even examining ourselves to see what sins we need to repent from.

5. Jesus is coming soon. We things like COVID-19 come up, we should always be reminded that Jesus is coming soon. It could be in our lifetime then again it could be another 100 years. Every Christian should cry out, "Come, Lord Jesus" as we see our world fall apart due to the effects of sin.

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