Monday, March 23, 2020

Not Being With The Body

Yesterday was the first Sunday for our family and our church did not meet together since our elders made the decision to suspend all services and activities for the next two weeks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. I know for them it was not an easy decision because we love gathering together as the body, but it was a necessary step.

My family and I watched our pastor's prerecorded sermon which, by God's providence, was on Ephesians 5:1-2 (we have been going through the book of Ephesians). It was not the first time I have caught a video from our church on a Sunday morning. I have watched our service while it was being live-streamed on a Sunday due to illnesses in the family. While I am grateful that we had the technology and knowledgeable to make this happened, if I may be blunt, it sucked.

No, the sermon was not bad nor was our internet connection slow. What I mean is it sucked not being able to be with the people of God. The church is the family of God. We are co-heirs with Christ. We all have a common fellowship even though we come from different backgrounds.

God's Word says:

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24-25).

We are not to neglect the meeting of the corporate body. I know there are some legitimate reasons that will prevent us from doing that, but we should always eager to meet with one another. The church are adopted sons and daughters of the Most High God, which means they are your brothers and sisters. The church in the first century met daily (Acts 2:46). No matter what they met even under persecution.

Now before you go on reading beyond what I have written, I am not saying our elders nor any other church made a bad decision not to meet due to COVID-19 (that will be another discussion). What I am saying is that the church should always strive to meet together. Even when this whole pandemic is over, my hope and prayer is the church will come together and be ready to see one another like one big family reunion. I know I am.

While churches are not meeting, it is important for everyone to keep in contact with one another. If you have your elders' cell phone numbers, give them a call or send a text encouraging them. Same thing with every leader in your church as well as fellow members. Take this time to worship together as a family. Read the Bible. Read good books. Play games even that particular one you know one member of the family is quite good at and wins a lot.

Look forward to the day when we will gather together once this pandemic is over.

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