Monday, April 13, 2020

What Did Christ Do Then?

He left the glory He had with the Father from all eternity, and He came down into the world to provide salvation. He took our nature upon Him and was born as a man. As a man, He did the will of God perfectly, which we all had left undone. As a man, on the cross He suffered the wrath of God that we should have suffered. He brought in everlasting righteousness for us. He redeemed us from the curse of a broken law.

He opened a fountain for all sin and uncleanness. He died for our sins. He rose again for our justification. He ascended to God’s right hand, and there He sat down, waiting until His enemies will be made His footstool. He sits there now, offering salvation to all who will come to Him, interceding for all who believe in Him, and managing by God’s appointment all that concerns the salvation of souls.

Adapted from Holiness by J.C. Ryle

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