Friday, May 29, 2020

A Response to Todd White's Response to American Gospel

One of the false teachers that was mentioned on American Gospel: Christ Alone was Todd White. White is a prosperity gospel preacher who claims to have the gift of healing as the Apostles did in the book of Acts. There was video of Todd White preaching where he talked about getting a copy of this movie as well as a letter from Costi Hinn, the nephew of Benny Hinn. 

Todd quickly dismissed the video and the letter while playing the victim card. Here is the video:

This next video is presented by Polite Leader over on YouTube which shows the same one you just watched, but gives a response to the statements White was giving:

After watching these videos, what should our response be? We must pray for Todd White and anyone who preaches a false gospel. Pray they repent and turn to Christ alone for their salvation. They might frustrate us with their teaching, but we need to love them. While we pray for them, we must expose their teaching. We must show them and anyone who hears them this is a false gospel and not the true gospel. The Bible says, "Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them" (Ephesians 5:11). This is what we are called to in grace and truth.   

1 comment:

  1. Ur prayer is answered ~

    Be surprised how God works. interesting how Todd is starting to preach the real gospel !

    Some quotes from Todd White in this vid:

    "This is hard for me. I feel like I haven't preached the whole gospel, and I REPENT!"

    "I feel like I've just met Jesus all over again."

    "I been goin through it. You have no idea. I been trembling, shaking, and in a new place of the fear of the Lord, and a new place of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to bring the reality of the law into a witness to show people their need for grace."

    "How can you want to be found if you don't know you're lost?"

    "If people don't know they're sinners, they won't see their need for the savior."

    "When you come into the Gospel because you come in for a better life, you've got the WRONG gospel."

    "I've talked to some people who are like, 'My god would never create a hell for people, my god is good, and my god is this." Your god doesn't exist! He's a graven image of your mind! That's not God. You're god is not a holy God!"

    "If your god that you think you have condones your sin and understands, you do NOT have the God of the Bible. You don't!"

    He cites the writings of Charles Spurgeon, George Whitfield, and Ray Comfort as the source of his conviction.

    Praise GOD!!!

