Friday, June 19, 2020

Book Review: Alive: How the Resurrection of Christ Changes Everything by Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer

We talk a lot about what Jesus did on our behalf on the cross, but there are time we neglect to mention what God did through the Resurrection of Christ. The Bible tells us that if there were no resurrection, we would still be in our sins and our faith is futile (1 Cor. 15:17). Romans 4:25 says that Christ was raised for our justification meaning that God sealed the deal for our salvation by raising Jesus from the dead. God accepted Christ's sacrifice for atonement and satisfying His justice on our behalf by being the spotless Lamb of God. 

The Resurrection is the most historic moment for the Christian because it is what changes everything, which is the subject to Gabriel N.E. Fluhrer's book Alive: How the Resurrection Changes Everything. In this book, Fluhrer covers the evidence for the Resurrection of Christ. He uncovers all the conspiracy theories that have been associated with the Resurrection and debunks everyone of them. 

Fluhrer goes over the Resurrection being foreshadowed in the Old Testament, how it was fulfilled in the gospels, the aftermath of the Resurrection in the book of Acts, and what believers look forward as mentioned in the New Testament in regards to their own resurrection. Finally, Fluhrer dives into the Resurrection and our daily living. We will all die one day, but for those in Christ, we have hope. We know Jesus conquered death which we should not fear. We live for the glory of God and proclaim that Jesus is alive wherever we are. We know one day we will see Him, which is gives us hope and it is alive.

For those still skeptical about the Resurrection or if you know someone who is, I highly recommend this book.

Thanks Reformation Trust for letting me review this book.

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