Monday, June 15, 2020

Book Review: Stand Firm by John MacArthur

If you have looked at our world the past few months, we see chaos all around us. We had a pandemic and now riots in the streets. Political turmoil is on the rise and there is tension even in the church. 

We are seeing a godless, post-Christian culture turning its back on its Creator and His commandments. We are trading the glory of God for lies. Truth is whatever we want it to be. Holiness is treated with contempt and the family is disintegrating before our eyes. What are Christians suppose to do in days like these?

John MacArthur has written a timely book in which he encourages Christians in such a time as this. The book is appropriately titled, Stand Firm. MacArthur exhorts his reads to walk in holiness and shows why this is important for all believers not just a select few. We are also encouraged to love our neighbors and our enemies. It is easy to love those who love us but to love those who hate us is a challenge. The Lord commanded us to love our enemies yet God loved us while were His enemies (Romans 5:10). We are to love others when it might be difficult such as a child who has left the home and embrace a sinful lifestyle.

MacArthur encourages believers to be engaging with God in prayer. During times like these we need to pray and seek God. We need to have our hearts opened to him. One chapter MacArthur writes about is not fall under the myth of influence which means that the gospel will advance because of popularity. The message of the gospel will bring the people of God together but it will also divide. It is not a popular message nor is it one that is sought out. If there is a preacher who is popular in the world, then there must be some area of compromise in his message. 

One final area MacArthur exhorts believers in is the area of perseverance. Believers are to persevere to the end. No matter how difficult the road maybe we are called to stay strong in the Lord. God told Joshua to be strong and courageous three times just before he led Israel to the Promise Land. Christians need to be strong and courageous if they want to persevere in a post-Christian society.

Not sure when MacArthur wrote this book, but I know he probably did not have 2020 in mind when he wrote it. This book is one all Christians need to grab and read.

Thanks Reformation Trust for letting me review this book.

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