Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Book Review: The Wisdom of God by A.W. Tozer

Almost two years ago, I reviewed Delighting In God by A.W. Tozer which is an unpublished follow up to his classic book, The Knowledge of The Holy. Bethany House has once again produced an another never-before published book by Tozer that deals with allowing God to guide us and direct us in his paths based on His Word. The book is titled, The Wisdom of God.

This book is a collection of sermons Tozer preached on the topic of God's wisdom. There are various topics discussed in each chapter. The books begins with Tozer defining the Hebrews doctrine of wisdom based in the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. He goes on to talk about God's wisdom in sending Christ in this world to save us and get us in heaven.

Tozer continues on with how wisdom comes to us and where it ultimately comes from. Tozer says that wisdom comes to the heart that is hungry for God and those who forsake their sin. A lot of times comes in time when we are facing a temptation, which is where we need to lean on the promises of God as we walk in this life.

Tozer carries on with the benefits of wisdom and how a Christian must seek after wisdom. Wisdom in the Bible is making choices that honor God. This has nothing to with being a knowledgeable person, and there is nothing wrong with knowledge. The wisdom we seek from God is found in the Bible.

One thing Tozer said that caught my attention, he stated that when we sin against God, we are also sinning against ourselves. Granted the Bible says that when a man has sexual relations outside of God's context of sexuality, they sin against their own body, but no where are we told we sin against ourselves just like we are never told to forgive ourselves. I know these are sermons collected into a book, so it makes me wonder if Tozer was off in his theology as he gave these sermons.

Tozer fans will love this book. I didn't feel it was a strong book. There were times I felt the publishers were just filling pages to make the book more lengthier.

Thanks Bathany House for letting me review this book.

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