Thursday, May 7, 2020

Licensed to Ministry: 20 Years Later

Besides the pandemic that our world has been facing, 2020 is a big year for me especially in the month of May. My wife and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary and the 20th anniversary of my college graduation which took place on the same day. I may have to write about that experience one day. This month also celebrates my 20th year of being licensed to the gospel ministry by Central Baptist Church in Marshall, Tx, where I have been attending since 1996 when I started college.

I have to admit the experience was humbling yet there was also a since of accomplishment since I was about to graduate and get married. I wish I can that my ministry was very fruitful. There were some fruitful times, but a majority of my ministry was also difficult. Even as I am writing this, I am not in any ministry position though I always thought I would be at this time in my life. I never imagined the struggles I had in ministry. I served in most small churches as a bi-vocational youth pastor where there is was hardly any growth. My only full-time position lasted 8 months after a new pastor came. 

My wife, son, and I moved to the city we currently reside in 2002. That's right, we have lived in the same city for almost 20 years which is something I never thought would happened. I thought was going to get a new position within 6 months. During that time, I stopped attending seminary because I had to take care of my family and work full-time. I volunteered at our church and worked as a semester intern. Sadly, it wasn't till 2006 when I got a new position which was a bi-vocational youth pastor of a church 20 minutes from our house, which we moved into nearly two months after our daughter was born.

A few years later, I left that church to be a bi-vocational youth pastor then got involved in a church plant which imploded before it had its official first service. It has been five years since that church plant experience I am still waiting for God to open a door for ministry. I don't know when or where that might happen. As I write this reflecting on when I was licensed, I am thankful to God that one church in Marshall recognized my calling. Just because you are licensed or even ordained there are no guarantees of success in church ministry. God never promised success altogether. He does promise that He will be with us. 

Right now, I am serving in my church to the best of my ability, loving my family, and growing in grace. I hope the day will come when the Lord will open a door whether on staff or a lay elder where I can be used in church ministry. 

I do praise the Lord for allowing me to be licensed 20 years ago and for sustaining me during these 20 years as well. 

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