Tuesday, February 27, 2018

R.C. Sproul's Final Sermon: A Great Salvation

As most of you know, R.C. Sproul went home to be with the Lord on December 14, 2017. Many posts and podcasts have been tribute to him for what the Lord has done through him. On November 26, 2017, Sproul preached his final sermons at Saint Andrew's Chapel. The sermon was titled, "A Great Salvation" and the text was from Hebrews 2:1-4, which says:

Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard, while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Book Review: Not God Enough by J.D. Greear

Most Christians in the U.S. have an image that God is a great big grandpa that lives in the sky. Grandfathers are normally pictured as a nice old man who his grandkids come to who will not discipline them if they misbehave. Many American Christians think God is this way too. He is safe, He is gentle, and He won't discipline. Is that how God is portrayed in the Bible?

J.D. Greear helps us grasp what the Bible says about God and who He truly is, in his latest book, Not God Enough. What Greear is attempting to communicate in this book is that God is bigger than our words can say. God is bigger than our thoughts can think of. God is greater than anything in this world.

Greear writes that God is bigger than any doubt we have. God is holy meaning He is set apart from this world and pure. God is a God of wrath. Many don't like that idea. We think God is a God of love, which He is. God loves the world that He gave His only Son to atone for our sins. God is also a God wrath meaning that sin must be punished. That is why He sent Jesus to take our punishment.

God is a God who we long for because He is good and loves us, but at the same time He is a God is full of wrath because of sin. We like this part of God and dismiss the parts we don't like about God which is basically what we do with the Bible. The Bible points us to a God who loves us and hates sin.

Greear reminds his readers that God is not about you. God is for you, but He is not about you. You don't get a personal Jesus who conforms to your standards. The Bible paints us a picture of a God who is bigger than our words can display or our thoughts can imagine.

Greear does a great job showing his readers that God is bigger than we think. It is sad that many Christians think that God is small when He really is not. Many lost people think the same way. I am delighted to recommend this book for anyone, who has doubts about God and have a small picture of Him.

Thanks BookLook Bloggers for letting me review this book.

Music Monday: Come One And All by Garage Hymnal

Thursday, February 22, 2018

When We Sin

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1).

Who doesn’t go astray at times? I and everyone else have a need for praise. But when we sin, we shouldn’t despair of not finding God’s mercy. Whoever imagines that their achievements are worth something mistrusts God’s mercy and sins in the same way. Don’t despair after you have sinned, but lift your eyes upward, where Christ intercedes for you. For he is your advocate and intercessor. He pleads for you, saying, “Father, for this person I have suffered. I am looking after this individual.” This prayer is never useless, because Christ is our high priest (Hebrews 5:10).

Even though we have Christ, our high priest, advocate, mediator, reconciler, and comforter, we have turned instead to dead saints and considered Christ our judge. That’s why we should write this passage from the apostle John in gold letters and inscribe it on our hearts. So reach out to him and say, “Lord Christ, I know of no other advocate, comforter, and mediator than you alone. I do not doubt that you are all this to me. I cling firmly to it, and I believe it.” Christ was born for us. He suffered for us. He ascended into heaven for our sake, sits at the right hand of the Father, and prays for us. Satan tries with all his might to blind our hearts so we will not believe what the Holy Spirit says in this passage.

A Christian’s condition is a source of wonder! For Christians are both sinful and righteous. They are sinful because of the sinful nature they carry with them that is contaminated by sin. They are righteous because the Spirit pulls them back from sin. With our reason, we can never understand the wonder of this condition.

Adapted from Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional by Martin Luther

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Remembering Billy Graham

As most of you may have heard, the beloved evangelist Billy Graham passed away at the age of 99. He was loved by many Christians and even those who were not believers, respected Graham for his commitment to the message of Christianity. His death was no surprise for he has been battling Parkinson disease which is remarkable that he lived as long as he did, which is only by God's kindness.

One thing that many will remember Billy Graham for is his crusades. He will fill stadiums with people wanting to hear the message he was preaching and thousands came to know the Lord through those him. He also wrote many books, which I have personally reviewed a couple of them on the blog.

What I remember the most about Graham was something he said years ago. I cannot recall where he said, but it stood out as I thinking about writing this tribute to him. He was asked if he was scared of anything. His reply was to do anything that cause Jesus shame. He was afraid of doing anything that would discredit the gospel and the Lord Jesus. I am sure many of you have heard of the "Billy Graham Rule," which is his rule that he would never be in a building alone with a woman other than his wife, which is a rule adopted by Vice President Mike Pence.

There are some that would say even though Graham was a great evangelist, his theology was not altogether. What that means is they did not see eye to eye with what Graham believed and taught. It is true that Graham, at times, may not have had some beliefs that some Christians would not agree with, which is also what we can about other Christian leaders such as Wayne Grudem, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, or Sinclair Ferguson. Regardless if you agreed with Graham or not, one thing can said: He loved Jesus, trusted in Him as his Savior, and longed for people to be saved.

I can imagine he heard the words of the Savior as He entered glory, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Billy Graham fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith. Now he has entered his master's rest.

Around The Web-February 21, 2018

10 Things You Should Know about B. B. Warfield by Fred Zaspel

The Doctrine of Election Kills Pride by Josh Buice

Dayton Hartman- Lies Pastors Believe: 7 Ways To Elevate Yourself, Subvert The Gospel, and Undermine the Church from Equipping You In Grace

What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ? by Sinclair Ferguson

Why Transgenderism Threatens Parental Rights by Joe Carter

How 'Sola Fide' Empowers Your Personal Evangelism by Michael Kelley

How Does ‘Willful Sinning’ Threaten My Salvation? from Ask John Piper

In this brief video, we take a tour of Heritage Reformed Baptist Church in Mansfield, Tx, which will serve as the home the new IRBS Theological Seminary

No Other Sacrifices Needed

The first seven chapters of Leviticus seem to be the most neglected passages of the Bible. Every year when someone begins to Bible reading plan and gets to Leviticus, they skip over it because we do not do sacrifices anymore. While it is true that we don't sacrifice animals and our pastors are not covered in blood, it is important to read those chapters because that is what God required under the old covenant.

Another reason we should read those chapters, is to help us, as my Old Testament professor in college once said, understand the sacrifice of Jesus. The death of Christ on the cross fulfilled the sacrificial law. We don't have to take blood from bulls and goats. We also don't have to repeatedly do them. 1 Peter 3:18 says, "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit."

A study note from the Reformation Study Bible says, "Christ’s substitutionary death is sufficient, and no further sacrifices are necessary." Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. We don't need any other sacrifice. Christ's death on the cross was enough.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Charles Spurgeon: God In The Covenant

What a glorious covenant the second covenant is! Well might it be called "a better covenant, which was established upon better promises." Heb. viii. 6. It is so glorious that the very thought of it is enough to overwhelm the soul, when it discerns the amazing condescension and infinite love of God, in having framed a covenant for such unworthy creatures, for such glorious purposes, with such disinterested motives. It is better than the other covenant, the covenant of works, which was made with Adam; or that covenant which is said to have been made with Israel, on the day when they came out of Egypt.

It is better, for it is founded upon a better principle. The old covenant was founded on the principle of merit; it was, "Serve God and thou shalt be rewarded for it; if thou walkest perfectly in the fear of the Lord, God will walk well towards thee, and all the blessings of Mount Gerizim shall come upon thee, and thou shalt be exceedingly blessed in this world, and the world which is to come." But that covenant fell to the ground, because, although it was just that man should be rewarded for his good works, or punished for his evil ones, yet man being sure to sin, and since the fall infallibly tending towards iniquity, the covenant was not suitable for his happiness, nor could it promote his eternal welfare. But the new covenant, is not founded on works at all, it is a covenant of pure unmingled grace; you may read it from its first word to its last, and there is not a solitary syllable as to anything to be done by us. The whole covenant is a covenant, not so much between man and his Maker as between Jehovah and man's representative, the Lord Jesus Christ. The human side of the covenant has been already fulfilled by Jesus, and there remains nothing now but the covenant of giving, not the covenant of requirements. The whole covenant with regard to us, the people of God, now stands thus: "I will give this, I will bestow that; I will fulfill this promise; I will grant that favour." But there is nothing for us to do; he will work all our works in us; and the very graces that are sometimes represented as being stipulations of the covenant, are promised to us. He gives us faith; he promises to give us the law in our inward parts, and to write it on our hearts.

It is a glorious covenant, I say, because it is founded on simple mercy and unmixed grace; quite irrespective of creature-doings, or anything that is to be performed by man; and hence this covenant surpasses the other in stability. Where there is anything of man, there is always a degree of mutability; for creatures, and change, and uncertainty always go together. But since this new covenant hath now nothing whatever to do with the creature, so far as the creature has to do anything, but only so far he is to receive: the idea of change is utterly and entirely gone. It is God's covenant, and therefore it is an unchanging covenant. If there be something which I am to do in the covenant, then is the covenant insecure; and although happy as Adam, I may yet become miserable as Satan. But if the covenant be all on God's part, then if my name be in that covenant, my soul is as secure as if I were now walking the golden streets; and if any blessing be in the covenant, I am as certain to receive that blessing as if I already grasped it in my hands; for the promise of God is sure to be followed by fulfilment; the promise never faileth; it always bringeth with it the whole of that which it is intended to convey, and the moment I receive it by faith, I am sure of the blessing itself. Oh! how infinitely superior is this covenant to the other in its manifest security! It is beyond the risk or hazard of the least uncertainty.

But I have been thinking for the last two or three days, that the covenant of grace excels the other covenant most marvelously in the mighty blessings which it confers. What does the covenant of grace convey? I had thought this morning of preaching a sermon upon "The covenant of grace; what are the blessings it gives to God's children?" But when I began to think of it, there was so much in the covenant, that if I had only read a catalogue of the great and glorious blessings, wrapped up within its folds, I should have needed to occupy nearly the whole of the day in making a few simple observations upon each of them. Consider the great things God has given in the covenant. He sums them up by saying he hath given "all things." He has given you eternal life in Christ Jesus; yea, he has given Christ Jesus to be yours; he has made Christ heir of all things, and he has made you joint-heir with him; and hence he has given you everything. Were I to sum up that mighty masks of unutterable treasure which God has conveyed to every elect soul by that glorious covenant, time would fail me. I therefore commence with one great blessing conveyed to us by the covenant, and then on other Sabbaths I will, by Divine permission, consider separately, one by one, sundry other things which the covenant conveys.

We commence then by the first thing, which is enough to startle us by its immense value; in fact, unless it had been written in God's Word, we never could have dreamed that such a blessing could have been ours. God himself, by the covenant becomes the believer's own portion and inheritance. "I will be their God."

And now we shall begin with this subject in this way. We shall show you first that this is a special blessing. God is the special possession of the elect, whose names are in the covenant. Secondly, for a moment or two we shall speak of this as being an exceedingly precious blessing, "I will be their God." Thirdly, we shall dwell upon the security of this blessing, "I will be their God." And fourthly we shall endeavour to stir you up to make good use of this blessing, so freely and liberally conveyed to you by the eternal covenant of grace; "I will be their God."

Stop just one moment and think it over before we start. In the covenant of grace God himself conveys himself to you and becomes yours. Understand it: God—all that is meant by that word—eternity, infinity, omnipotence, omniscience, perfect justice, infallible rectitude, immutable love—all that is meant by God—Creator, Guardian, Preserver, Governor, Judge,—all that that great word "GOD" can mean, all of goodness and of love, all of bounty and of grace—all that, this covenant gives you, to be your absolute property as much as anything you can call your own. "I will be their God." We say, pause over that thought. If I should not preach at all, there is enough in that, if opened up and applied by the all-glorious Spirit, to excite your you during the whole of the Sabbath-day. "I will be their God."

Click here to read the sermon in its entirety.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

My Reaction To The Incredbiles 2 Trailer

If I was asked the question, what would the one Disney film I could watch for the rest of my life? It would be "The Incredibles." I loved this movie. I still watch it to this day. It was also the first time my wife and I took our son to the movie theatre. If you have seen the movie, you know it ended on a cliffhanger which made people wonder if there was ever going to be sequel especially after 3 Toy Story and 3 Cars movies.

This past week during the Olympics, the first trailer to the high anticipated sequel came out, which has some cheering and some not so much. For those who have not seen it, here it is:

After the trailer was released, I twitted the video saying I have been waiting a long time for this, which is true. Some have voiced their opinion that this is another attempt to promote feminism because Elastigirl is now the main hero while Mr. Incredible becomes a stay at home dad. I can see where they are coming from because it seems Elastigirl is now the main hero of the family. Others have said, I think it is too soon to jump to conclusions because it is the first trailer and the movie has not been released.

My attempt here is not to gloss over any comment or concern regarding what they have seen in this trailer nor am I trying to pick a fight with anyone in particular. I am just giving my opinion over what I have witnessed in this trailer.

While it does seem Disney is pushing feminism by making Elastigirl the primary hero make Mr. Incredible the stay at home dad, I think there is more to the story. There was a lot of cutting a splicing in this trailer where it seemed some of the lines were not matching what the characters were saying. Remember this is trailer not the movie.

I think there is a bigger story as to why Elastigirl is the primary hero while Mr. Incredible is on the sidelines. If the movie does take place where the original left off, something must have happened to why Elastigirl is out fighting crime while Mr. Incredible is at home. There must be more to the story than what this trailer is suggesting.

Wikipedia gives us a brief overview of what the film is about:

Taking place immediately after the first film, the end of which introduces The Underminer (John Ratzenberger), the Parr family struggles to maintain normal lives while Helen Parr (Holly Hunter), also known as Elastigirl, is out fighting crime and campaigning for the return of supers. Meanwhile, Helen's husband Bob Parr (Craig T. Nelson), also known as Mr. Incredible, remains at home watching their children Violet (Sarah Vowell), Dash (Huck Milner) and Jack-Jack, discovering the secret powers of the latter in the process. However, they, along with Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson), will have to battle a new villain with a sinister plot.

So based on this brief overview, there might be more to the story. Am I saying some went overboard with their first impressions? No, I was thinking the same thing at first when I saw the trailer, but at the same time, I was thinking there has to be more than what they showed in the trailer. A lot of times, you get an idea about what the movie is about based in the trailer and even some trailers give away some of the movie.

Some of you probably have decided not to see Incredibles 2, which I respect that. You have the freedom in Christ to do that. The rest of you, along with myself, have decided to reserve judgment till the movie comes out which okay as well. Maybe there was more to the story than what this first trailer was showing, which I know there will be more trailers to come as the release date gets closer, so I am eager to see this movie.

Once again, I am not trying to pick a fight or disagree with anyone regarding their opinion. I am just saying there might be more to the story. However, that does not mean I am going to watch this movie with an open mind, which is not a good idea anyway. I will be watching with a discerning heart and talk to my kids about it once the movie is over. In fact, all Christians should be watching movies and television shows with a discerning heart. The Bible tells us that we should "test everything" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). That includes sermons, books, podcasts, and even our entertainment.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Book Review: Sex In A Broken World by Paul Tripp

Sex is a gift that God has given to man and woman in the context of marriage yet the world doesn't see it that way. Throughout history, sex has been distorted and abused. Even people in the church get it wrong. Sex is a beautiful thing yet has suffered mistreatment due to the Fall.

Paul Tripp in his book, Sex In A Broken World, writes that Christians will face temptation when it comes to sex in this life. Yet, Christians can rejoice because we have a High Priest who hears us and sympathizes with our weakness. God will provide grace for us as continue to live our life in the body and face these temptations.

Tripp also dives into our culture's view of sex through various stories of people he has encountered. These people believe the lie that sex is pure satisfaction if you seek to please yourself and it will not hurt anyone else. The truth is it will hurt those around you and will eventually hurt you. Tripp also writes that the gospel helps us to be sex-wise. The Bible says flee sexual immorality yet our flesh will fight it everyday. The gospel shows us that God will change our hearts to follow him and say no to ungodly desires.

The rest of the book deals with putting sex back in the right context and that is the way God designed it. Sex should also be an expression of worship where we praise God for the husband/wife He has given us. Sex isn't about you, it is about God and glorifying him.

Paul Tripp takes the controversial topic of sex and presents a gospel-centered picture of what the Bible says it is. Yes, this world will distort it and we will face temptation, yet we should not lose heart. The Bible promises that God will provide a way of escape when we face temptation. The Bible also says that the world's desires will fade away including its distorted view of sex.

Thanks Crossway for letting me review this book.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Faith Is An Unswerving Gaze

for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ (Galatians 3:26-27).

Some people imagine that faith is a quality that sticks to the heart on its own, with or without Christ. This is a dangerous error. Christ should be placed directly before our eyes so that we see and hear nothing apart from him and believe that nothing is closer to us than Christ. For he doesn’t sit idly in heaven but is continually present in us. He is working and living in us, for Paul says, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). He also says that you “have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).

Therefore, faith is an unswerving gaze that looks on Christ alone. He is the conqueror of sin and death and the one who gives us righteousness, salvation, and eternal life. This is beautifully illustrated by the story of the bronze snake, which points to Christ (John 3:14). Moses commanded the Israelites, who had been bitten in the desert by poisonous snakes, to look at this bronze snake with an unswerving gaze. Those who did so were healed, simply by steadily gazing at the snake alone. In contrast, others who didn’t obey Moses looked at their wounds instead of the snake and died.

So if you want to be comforted when your conscience plagues you or when you are in dire distress, then you must do nothing but grasp Christ in faith and say, “I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who suffered, was crucified, and died for me. In his wounds and death, I see my sin. In his resurrection, I see the victory over sin, death, and the devil. I see righteousness and eternal life as well. I want to see and hear nothing except him.” This is true faith in Christ and the right way to believe.

Adapted from Faith Alone: A Daily Devotional by Martin Luther

Monday, February 12, 2018

Book Review: The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus by D.A. Carson

John 14-17 is the account of Jesus teaching and being with His disciples before He was crucified. He taught many things to them including praying for them and future believers. These passages have been preached from years. Some have been preached expositionally while others topically.

D.A. Carson is one that preached these verses faithfully through expositional preaching. These sermons are record in a book, which was first published in 1980, called, The Farewell Discourse and Final Prayer of Jesus. Carson begins with the background of where we are in the gospel of John. Jesus just washed His disciples' feet, predicted that someone would betray him, told his disciples to love one another, and predicted that Peter would deny Him three times.

From there, we get into the meat of the book. Carson takes us Jesus final time with the disciples before His crucifixion. Most would think this book is a commentary which can be taken that way, but it is not a commentary. This book is a recording of sermons from a gifted pastor and teacher for the church. The way the chapters are written is as if you are looking at Carson's manuscript for these sermons.

Carson does a marvelous job in faithful exposing the text to the reader. You can tell some of them have been rewritten in a 21st century context. This may not be a commentary to the gospel of John, but this is an excellent resource to use for Bible Study or sermon reference.

Thanks Baker Books for letting me review this book.

Music Monday: All Because of Jesus by Austin Stone Worship

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Book Review: Supernatural Power for Everyday People by Jared C Wilson

The Apostle Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). To many in the church today, this is looked on as if one had to be charismatic to be filled with the Spirit. Every believer is sealed with the Spirit yet many do not want to be filled with Him. Many don't want to depend on the Spirit because they don't understand what He does.

Every believer, no matter who you or what your position is in the church, can live a life where you can depend on the Spirit of God. This is the subject of Jared C Wilson's new book, Supernatural Power for Everyday People. Wilson writes that too many Christians are living life based on their won strength which you can tell by how run down they are. Wilson goes on to say the Bible teaches us that every believer has Someone they can depend on to go on in day-to-day living who happens to be closer than most people think. That Person is the Holy Spirit.

Notice, I said the Holy Spirit is a Person, which Wilson does address this issue in the book. The Holy Spirit is not an it. He is not a personal force. The Holy Spirit is a Person, the third part of the Trinity. Jesus mentions what the Spirit's job is in scripture and is always addressed as a Person, not a thing.

Wilson goes to mention the Spirit is there is guide us in everyday life and reminds us of what the Bible teaches us just as Jesus taught in the gospel of John. Wilson takes time to discuss prayer and how we can pray to God. He also mentions the Spirit intercedes for us as Romans 8:26 teaches us with groans that words cannot express. What I love about this book is Wilson echoes what the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit and how the believer is to depend on Him based on the Bible.

Wilson does take time to address spiritual gifts, including the apostolic ones. He does give, what he believes, the Biblical reasons that the gifts of the Spirit such as tongues as other apostolic gifts are still used today rather than being ceased. He only deals with it in a few pages rather than a whole chapter or half the book in dealing with this issue.

Jared C Wilson is one of my favorite authors. I have enjoyed every book he has written. Supernatural Power for Everyday People is no exception. The point of this book was not make a case against cessionalists, those who believe the gifts of the Spirit has stopped, but to remind the believers that everyone of us have the Holy Spirit to depend on as we live in this world.

Thanks Booklook Bloggers for letting me review this book.

Penal Substitution Is The Heart Of The Gospel

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit (1 Peter 3:18).

Here is one of the richest, clearest, and briefest New Testament summaries of the work of Christ. Theologians describe the heart of the gospel as penal substitutionary atonement. Jesus paid the penalty for sins (penal) as a substitute in our place (substitutionary) to undo the effects of our sin and restore us to God (atonement, literally “at-one-ment”). This is precisely what we find in this verse: Christ “suffered once for sins [penal], the righteous for the unrighteous [substitutionary], that he might bring us to God [atonement].”

As beautiful as are these gospel truths, the work of Christ accomplished even more. For example, the Devil and his demons are once and for all disarmed. The caring and righteous work of Christ is also an example for us to follow, as Peter himself asserts (2:21). But penal substitution is the fundamental heart of the gospel. The other benefits of Christ’s work all flow from this.

Because of the work of Christ proclaimed in the gospel of grace, we are restored to God. The wreckage we have introduced into our lives through sin and failure and error is canceled. All is forgiven, and one day we will be with Christ in the new earth, in perfect joy.

Adapted from the Gospel Transformation Bible

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Book Review: Willing To Believe by R.C. Sproul

God is sovereign in the salvation of people. Many have a hard time with believing that. Many think God will never force Himself on anyone. Those who do not believe in sovereign election think that the individual has the ability to choose salvation, not God. Is there the ability to choose salvation or is it by God's sovereign will that people are saved?

R.C. Sproul dove in this question as he looked at the human role of salvation, in his book, Willing To Believe. Sproul believes as the Bible says that we are to choose Christ because we are commanded to put our faith in we are given by God the spirit of regeneration which allows us to choose Christ. This spirit of regeneration is given to those whom He chooses. I wish we can say that is the end of the discussion, but it is just beginning.

Sproul looks at men throughout history who have argued that salvation is only based on the individuals choice of coming to Christ, and men who say that is by God's grace and sovereign will we come to faith in Christ. He first looks at what Pelagius believes which is that people can be saved without the assistance of God's grace because we are commanded to. Humans have all the free will to believe without God's help. This in contrast with what Augustine wrote about grace and free will, that we need both. Because of original sin, our will is bonded which is why we need grace.

Sproul takes a look at what Martin Luther believed about free will, which Luther said that free will without grace is not free will and it not good. Then Sproul goes to Calvin who also believe that we need God's assistance when it comes to putting our faith in Christ. Next, we come to Joseph Arminius, who believes that it is the believers choice to be saved and remain saved, which we see in Scripture that grace is a gift from God not by works and nothing can separate us from the love of God especially the times we fall short as believers.

Sproul looks at the views of Jonathan Edwards who believed that our nature is marred by sin which is why we need God's grace to believe. Of course, many have come to disagree with Edwards' conclusions when it comes to sin and man's free will. One of them being Charles Finney who denied that our nature is not deprived by sin and even denies substitutionary atonement.

Sproul concludes that Reformed Theology does not believe God's sovereign will does not violate human free will. In fact, they go together. When a believer chooses Christ, it is because of God's grace and our ability to choose Him.

If you want a more in depth understanding of the debate between man's free will and God's sovereign grace in salvation, this book is one that I highly recommend.

Thanks Baker Publishing Group for letting me review this book.

Around The Web-February 7, 2018

Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles Gives 'All the Glory to God' for Win

Why Should Christians Today Read Jonathan Edwards? by Jeremy Kimble

Delight, the Law and Leviticus by Aaron Armstrong

Moral Relativism, The Sexual Revolution and the Authority of Scripture from Equipping You In Grace

Hi, I’m a Christian: Simple Strategies for Better Evangelism by Zach Nielsen

Did Jesus Say I’d Be Healthier If My Faith Were Stronger? from Ask John Piper

Ed Welch answers the question, "Must We Forgive Those Who Sin Against Us If They Don't Repent?"

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Book Review: Graciousness by John Crotts

Christians are called to speak the truth. We are called to speak the truth of the gospel message and to rebuke sin in a fellow believer. We are also called to correct wrong theology in a fellow believer as we speak to one another. However, there are times when speak in truth, but we are not gracious with our words. You might hear a gospel presentation where the gospel is presented, but it is done with harsh words. When one is being corrected, it is done by a believer who is being rude in his approach.

Christian are called to speak the truth, but we are also called to speak in love. John Crotts has written a book where he looks at how Christians can speak and act towards around them. The book is titled, Graciousness: Tempering Truth With Love In this book, Crotts examines why being gracious in ours words is very important. He wrote that God not cares about what you say, but how you say it. Yes, we must speak the truth, but it must be done in love. Christians are to be zealous for the truth, but not to the point where we come flying off the handle to win an argument.

Granted everyone who speaks God's truth is flawed, but, according to Crotts, "adding graciousness to communication produces added persuasiveness." People will be turned away if you are there if you are trying to win an argument. When we speak the truth in love to one another, they are more willing to listen and respond positively then hearing one coming to them that speaks truth but has no love in their manner.

Crotts goes to examine the graciousness of Jesus and how Christians need to model how he interact with people. Yes, he was blunt with the religious leaders, but to the sinner, he was always gentle. Crotts, later turns his attention to the Apostle Paul and how he was gracious during his ministry. The rest of the book deals with how the believer can cultivate gracious, not only in their own lives, but also the community of faith. Finally, Crotts closes the book with the gospel and how it affects in the area of being gracious. When we grasp the gospel, it will help us become a people who will speak the truth in love to those around us.

In this day and age, the culture does not want to hear truth, but Christians are called to speak the truth. We must speak the truth in love. Jesus was that way in this earthly ministry and we, as His followers, must follow suit. This book is a helpful guide for Christians to become more gracious in their speech.

Thanks Reformation Hertiage for letting me review this book.

Monday, February 5, 2018

God Has Always Been

The Bible says, “In the beginning God.” The God we worship is the God who has always been. He alone can create beings, because He alone has the power of being. He is not nothing. He is not chance. He is pure Being, the One who has the power to be all by Himself. He alone is eternal. He alone has power over death. He alone can call worlds into being by fiat, by the power of His command.

R.C. Sproul, The Holiness of God

Music Monday: The God Who Saves by Iron Bell Music

Friday, February 2, 2018

Spurgeon Journal

Over the years, I have had many different forms of journals. I have had them in spiral notebooks and simple journaling books. I will never forget my wife getting me a Batman journal along with one of the Joker and I took those to church as I wrote down thoughts during the sermon. Some of you may have a journal of some kind whether it is one that has Bible verses on the bottom or just lined pages.

How would you like a journal that was easy to carry on almost every page was quotes from Charles Spurgeon? Sound great, right? B&H Publishing has released a journal that is exactly that called the Spurgeon Journal. This is not a book, but it does contain quotes from Spurgeon's early sermons.

This journal has 140 pages of lined pages which can be used in anyway you wish. You can use it to wrote notes during the sermons. You also use it in your own personal Bible study time. You can even put memory verses in it. There unlimited possibilities with how to use this journal from your benefit and God's glory.

As mentioned, there a quotes from Spurgeon's early sermons in this journal. Here are just a few of them:

No man can be a Christian who does not pray.

The people of God should be about their Father's business.

It is absurd for a man to say that he is born again and yet live just like those who are dead in sin.

I am delighted to recommend this journal for every believer and encourage you to use it.

I received this journal from B&H Publishing for the purpose of review.

Around The Web-February 2, 2018

J. D. Greear, Bryan Chapell, and Mike McKinley answer the question, Is God Immoral?

Best 25 Systematic Theology Books You Should Read First

3 Reasons Why Younger Christians Should Attend the Funeral Services of Older Christians by Josh Buice

How Cecile Richards Strengthened the Pro-Life Movement

Don’t Forsake the Public Reading of Scripture by Justin Borger

4 Ways Netflix Perpetuates Modern Anxieties by Brett McCracken

John Piper Is a Very Bad Man: On Complementarity and Seminary Professors by Owen Strachan

Five Benefits of Praying the Psalms by Don Whitney

Kevin DeYoung on why theology is important

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Book Review: The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down by Albert Mohler

The Lord's Prayer is perhaps one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. I know it is quoted in many worship services as a benediction. It is also one of the most used passages set to music outside of the Psalms. The Lord's Prayer was sung during my wedding back in 2000. The prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13, which says:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

This prayer that Jesus gave us serves as model on how we address God and what we should pray for. In his book, The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down, Albert Mohler breaks down the Lord's prayer to all believers and reflects on how we should pray. Mohler says that many Christians rush through this prayer without learning it even though it only takes a few seconds to quote. Mohler also says the Lord's Prayer not only serves as to what prayer is, but what prayer is not.

Mohler goes on to say, as scripture points out, before Jesus gave this prayer, he said, "When you pray." All Christians are called to pray, which we do see commands to pray in various parts of the Bible. Some of the Reformers have said that prayer is like breathing, you can't live without it. Mohler says that prayer is central to the Christian life and the scriptures, and there is no true intimacy with God without prayer.

After a brief introduction on the context on where the prayer is found, Mohler begins to break it down. When we come to God, we call Him, "Our Father." We are adopted into the family of God and we can call Him, "Our Father." Notice the passage says, "Our Father," not, "My Father." Christians are a family of many with one Father. When we hallowed God's name, we make it holy. We don't come causally to God, but with reverent fear because He is holy.

The subtitle of this book says, "The Lord's Prayer as a Manifesto for Revolution." Some people will think a revolution as means of using military force to overthrow a government. That is not what Mohler is implying. The revolution is when we ask God's kingdom to come, "we want to see the kingdoms of this world give way to the kingdom of the Lord." If you are a follower of Jesus, you are citizen of the kingdom of heaven, which is why we ask for God's kingdom to come and His will, which is holy and good, to be done.

We ask God for what we need and pour out our hearts to Him, not as if He does not know what we need, but as means of our dependency on Him. When we pray, we come to God to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed. This is where I have a problem with calling this prayer, "The Lord's Prayer." Jesus knew no sin. He was tempted as we yet was without sin. If this is a prayer Jesus prayed, then we are in trouble. If Jesus asked for forgiveness, then His death was meaningless and His life was useless. This is why I like calling Matthew 6:9-13, "The Model Prayer." One of my professors at East Texas Baptist University called John 17, "The True Lord's Prayer," which was Jesus's great high priestly prayer.

We can come to God when we sin as we confess it and ask for forgiveness. We can also ask God not keep us from stumbling as we go about our daily lives. Jesus did not imply that God leads us to temptation. James 1:13 says God does not tempted anyone, but the Bible does say that God will provide a way of escape in the midst of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a simple read. You can take a week to read it. This has become one of my favorite books on prayer and quote possibly, my favorite book from Mohler.

Thanks Booklook Bloggers for letting me review this book.

We Have Everything To Live A Godly Life

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire (2 Peter 1:3–4)

God has left nothing to chance. He knew he was calling messy sinners to himself, and so he has “granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness” by the “divine power” that comes through “the knowledge of” (i.e., an informed relationship with) Jesus our Lord (v. 3). In Christ we have everything we need to live a life that honors God.

But how? How do we live such a life, given our proclivity toward sin and failure and the tendency of our hearts to wander? Peter tells us it is through “his precious and very great promises” that believers become “partakers of the divine nature” (v. 4). As we receive, believe, and are changed by the lavish promises of God, supremely the promise of the gospel, we are restored to the status of the sanctified and god-glorifying men and women we were created to be. This does not mean we become deity; but it does mean we share in Christ’s nature derivatively, in that we become the “imagers of God” that we (unlike every other created thing) were created to be.

As partakers in the divine nature, we are freed from the bondage of sin and are now able to glorify our Lord in all that pertains to life and godliness.

Adapted from the Gospel Transformation Bible
